

Land Life - Biodiversity

Let’s Talk Forest Biodiversity

The question “what is biodiversity” seems complicated, yet the answer is so simple. Biodiversity, or biological diversity, refers to the variety of life on Earth. It encompasses the different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as the ecosystems and habitats in which they live. Biodiversity is important for the health and stability of our planet, as it helps to maintain the delicate balance of life on Earth. It is all around us, be that in the trees we plant, the animals that live in or feed on those trees, the microorganisms that enrich the soil and the ecosystems that develop. This includes genetic diversity, evolutionary diversity, functional diversity and ecosystem diversity…

Land Life - Australia

Degraded Land in Australia: Understanding the Impact and Solutions

Deforestation is an issue all over the world for a huge number of reasons. Whether human-lead, from clearing land for grazing animals and crops for agriculture, for building infrastructure or mining, or natural, such as wildfires and droughts, the result is often that the land left is degraded. In Australia, this is particularly prevalent. Australia is a hugely diverse country land-wise with vast areas of desert (AKA the outback) in the centre, rich rainforest in the north and everything in between. The amount of luscious usable land compared to arid, dry land is pretty small…

Land Life - Trees

The Benefits of Planting Trees

For millennia we have been fascinated with these beautiful, majestic creatures, and so we should have been. Trees play a vital role in moderating climate conditions making the planet more amenable to other life forms including fauna, as well as maintaining stable climate conditions. The benefits of planting trees, other than exciting inspiration for new characters in novels, are mind-boggling and surprising. Trees not only sequester carbon, removing the warm blanket of CO2 currently smothering the planet, but their role is imperative to our hydrological cycle, erosion control, biodiversity and so much more…